Wins Innovate UK Grant to Boost Festival Safety and Experience

Funding from Innovate UK will be used to pilot AI-driven digital twin tech to manage crowd movements at music festivals.

How can digital twin tech support crowd management?

If you’ve ever attended a music festival, you know the thrill of being surrounded by thousands of fellow fans. In the UK, music festivals candraw massive crowds, with anywhere from 25,000-250,000 people packed into one space. Managing a sea of people is no small task, and there have been times where injuries and incidents occurred that could have been prevented with better crowd monitoring.

That’s where digital twin tech comes in. By creating a virtual replica of a festival environment, we can offer a live, dynamic 3D view of the event as it unfolds. This gives event organizers a clear picture of potential bottlenecks and high-risk areas, helping them stay ahead of the game. With real-time insights into how crowds are moving, they can make quicker, smarter decisions about where to position resources and staff, ultimately keeping everyone safer and the event running smoothly.

Our Plans for the Innovate UK Grant

We’re thrilled to share that we’ve partnered with ticketing specialist Howler to pilot our digital twin platform at a UK festival this past weekend. Our goals are pretty straightforward:

  • Smooth out the entry process and create a better overall experience for festival-goers.
  • Keep an eye on crowd movement and address any potential issues before they become serious problems.

We’re gathering data from Howler’s access point systems and blending it with information from IoT sensors, GPS, and other third-party sources. This holistic approach gives event operators a full understanding of what’s happening on the ground. We’re hopeful that in the coming months, we’ll see this tech rolling out at more festivals and events across the UK.‍

A new era for music festivals, and beyond

After months of hard work, we’re excited to see our digital twin platform come to life! We’ve focused on making the creation and management of digital twins as easy as possible, so this technology can be more accessible than ever before. Whether it’s for music festivals, large venues, or sporting events, we believe this is just the beginning of bringing AI-based digital twins into the mainstream.

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